Copper facts
Copper is essential to our everyday lives. Copper has antimicrobial properties, is highly ductile, resistant to corrosion and is the best industrial metal for conducting electrical and thermal heat. One of the world’s oldest metals, copper is vital to the world’s digital green future as it’s difficult to duplicate copper’s unique characteristics.
Some of the many ways copper keeps us connected, sustainable and safe.

Copper helps us stay connected by enabling technological breakthroughs and advances in mobile devices, computers, servers, tablets, satellites, other wireless transmitters and artificial intelligence

Renewable energy
Copper is essential for green energy applications such as solar photovoltaic systems and wind turbines, as well as coil and cable conductors and grounding equipment

Copper is critical for wiring, plumbing and hardware used in construction, as well as safe energy transmission required by electrical grids and railways

Antimicrobial strength
Copper alloy surfaces are naturally antimicrobial, killing bacteria, viruses and fungi, and have the potential to control the spread of infectious diseases and blunt the impact of future pandemics, as well as being an essential component to many other life-saving medical devices and therapies

Battery-powered electric vehicles require up to four times more copper than conventional vehicles, which requires up to 50 pounds of copper for brakes, electronics, emission controls and wiring systems, whereas 2% of the total weight of a jet plane is comprised of copper alloys and copper wiring

National security
Copper is considered a strategic and critical metal by many nations as it’s required in many military and national security applications, from aircrafts to advanced weaponry and rocket engines

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