Capstone’s goal is to be a responsible, industry-leading source of copper. Our commitment to ethical and responsible mining is deeply rooted in our business philosophy, central to our values and vital to our success.
Our approach to responsibility
We care deeply for our people, the environment, and the communities in which we operate. We strive to minimize our environmental footprint, provide local employment opportunities and support sustainable development of our communities.
We understand that strong ESG performance is essential for maintaining the trust of all our stakeholders, including employees, contractors, suppliers, investors, communities and governments where we operate.
Our Sustainable Development Strategy
Our Sustainable Development Strategy follows a detailed review of our operations and the establishment of our 2021 baseline and is aligned with good international and industry standards. It has identified five initial priorities with milestones, goals and targets for each
Our Priorities and Targets
Climate – Reduce GHG emissions from fuel and power by 30% by 2030. We operate in countries that are signatories to the Paris Agreement and are committed to materially reduce national GHG emissions. We are developing and executing decarbonization strategies through several initiatives including adding more renewable power to our energy mix, studying independent renewable energy generation alternatives, and displacing diesel consumption.
Water – Reduce freshwater consumption intensity by 2030. Freshwater is an increasingly scarce resource essential to our operations and to society and communities. We aim to reduce freshwater intensity and increase low-quality desalinated or recycled water as a proportion of total water consumed in our operations.
Implement the Global Industry Standard for Tailings Management (“GISTM”) across all Capstone tailings storage facilities by year-end 2028. Responsible management of tailings is critical for minimizing negative environmental and social impacts. We aim to achieve independent assurance of all our tailings storage facilities in conformance with GISTM.
Establish a Biodiversity Standard and Assess All Sites by 2025. Responsible mining practices are critical for minimizing disruption to the land and ensuring the preservation of ecosystems. We aim to assess all our sites against our framework for applying a mitigation hierarchy and prioritizing nature-related risks and opportunities, and to complete site-specific reclamation, reforestation and habitat restoration projects.
Communities – Establish a Social Performance Standard and Assess All Sites by 2025. Fostering trust and constructive working relationships with local communities, organizations and governments is important to secure and maintain broad social acceptance. We are developing a Social Performance Standard to identify and manage social risks and impacts, stakeholder engagement, grievance management and community investment, informed by the following best practices: IFC PS1, ICMM guidance, and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Through our robust sustainability reporting practices, we provide transparent, detailed information on our ESG performance.

We have a responsibility to minimize the impact of our activities on the natural environment.

Capstone respects the communities that host our operations, and takes pride in our community connections.

We recognize that access to clean water is a fundamental human right, and we must use it responsibly.

We are committed to safe and responsible management of tailings, in accordance with internationally accepted guidelines.

By developing a skilled and engaged workforce, we create the foundation essential for our future growth.

The health and safety of our workforce is a central component of our business. Our goal is to achieve zero harm, and make sure our workers go home safe and healthy every day.

2023 Sustainability
Building Capacity covers our sustainability performance for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2023.