Safety culture
Health & safety
The health and safety of our workforce is a central component of our business. Our goal is to achieve zero harm, and make sure our people go home safe and healthy every day.

Comprehensive Safety Approach
We have a comprehensive approach to help ensure the health and safety of our employees, contractors and communities. Our Technical and Operational Performance Committee of the Board oversees technical and operational risks related to occupational health and safety.
Health and safety professionals at our operations have specialized training in hazard identification and risk management. They, in partnership with operational staff, lead incident investigations together with operational staff, conduct field audits, coordinate safety training and manage emergency response programs.

Zero Harm Safety Culture
Capstone’s goal is to achieve zero harm. This starts with our corporate values, and a commitment to health and safety from the highest level of our organization.

Continual Improvement
We use health and safety management systems, which are based on the ISO 45001 standard, to continually improve our practices, including annual internal audits.

Empowered Workforce
We empower our employees and contractors to identify hazards, evaluate risks and take responsibility for their safety. Every employee and contractor have the right to refuse work they consider unsafe.

Safety Training and Communication
We prioritize safety training and communication. New employees receive site induction and task specific training to safely perform their tasks and identify, correct and report hazards. Capstone’s Life Saving Rules and Critical Behaviours emphasize skills and controls to prevent accidents resulting from high-consequence risks.

Commitment to Health and Wellbeing
To promote health and well-being, our sites hire health care professionals who conduct employee health checks and provide medical attention as needed. We also directly support healthy lifestyle programs and offer vaccination services, such as flu and COVID-19.