Our approach
We care deeply for our people, the environment, and the communities in which we operate. We strive to minimize our environmental footprint, provide local employment opportunities and support sustainable development of our communities.

Governance and Management Practices
Our Board of Directors, Senior Leadership Team and site management are aligned on the importance of continuous improvement in environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance.
We have an effective suite of tools for ESG and economic impacts, including a strong policy framework, Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) system, operational management systems, standards, internal strategic working groups and various external collaboration initiatives to achieve our goals and targets.

Board oversight of ESG
Our Board and senior leadership team management provide strategic direction and oversight of our ESG performance, including Capstone’s ESG strategy, disclosures and communication with Capstone stakeholders. The Board delegates ESG-related risks to designated Board committees, as outlined in our Terms of Reference for Board Oversight of ESG.

Organizational Accountability
ESG performance is woven through our entire organization, from the Board of Directors, through the CEO and Senior Leadership Team to our site General Managers and corporate functional leads.

ERM Framework
Social and environmental risks are reported through our Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework. Quarterly reviews ensure visibility of risks at all levels of the organization, including management and the Board.

Performance-linked Compensation
ESG performance is directly linked to compensation. Health, safety, environmental and other ESG objectives are weighted 30% in our corporate scorecard, which affects executive compensation. Our site scorecards include similarly-aligned ESG performance targets.

ESG Strategy
Our ESG Strategy identifies five initial priorities with milestones, goals and targets for each, including the adoption of GHG emissions targets to support our commitment to responsible copper production. It was developed following a detailed review of our operations to establish a 2021 baseline and is aligned with good international an industry standards while at the same time supporting the development of our assets.