Climate change
Our goal is to develop and execute our decarbonization plan. Each of our operations has a distinct energy mix and regulatory framework, so we tailor energy management accordingly, emphasizing energy conservation and efficiency. Climate is a strategic priority for Capstone.

GHG Emissions Reduction
Our interim target is a 30% reduction of our GHG emissions from fuel and power by 2030 from our Company-wide 2021 emissions baseline. Several ongoing and other decarbonization options being evaluated will help us achieve this target. In the short term, our priority is to increase the amount of renewable energy in the electricity we use. In Chile, we aim to transition to 50% renewable electricity by 2025, while company-wide, we expect to transition to over 90% renewable electricity by 2030.

Climate-related Risks
We are also focused on deepening our understanding of climate-related risks facing our business and adapting to the effects of climate change. Our sites face vulnerabilities to climate change due to potentially higher temperatures and changing precipitation patterns. We collaborate with communities and institutions in the regions where we operate, to address emergency preparedness and risk mitigation. At Pinto Valley, Mantoverde and Mantos Blancos, this has meant supporting preparedness and managing the acute response to drought and flood, which pose a threat to neighbouring communities.