Engagement and relationships
Our priority is to proactively manage impacts to the communities where we operate and to deliver socioeconomic benefits in line with local development priorities. We respect the communities that host our operations, and take pride in our community connections. We work to grow the trust and respect of our communities.
We have committed to developing Capstone’s Social Performance Standard, a company-wide framework for managing social impacts and socioeconomic contributions informed by best practices, and to have all sites assessed against the standard by 2025.

Managing Impact and Addressing Concerns
We work with our communities to identify and mitigate potential impacts, address concerns, leverage opportunities and deliver local benefits.
Our Human Rights Policy formalizes our requirement to integrate stakeholder engagement into project planning and operations, with an emphasis on the rights of vulnerable groups impacted by our activities.

Community Engagement
By engaging proactively in a culturally appropriate way, we can maintain trusting relationships, best understand the interests of communities, and identify potential impacts and concerns.

Community Concerns
Our operations maintain grievance mechanisms for stakeholders to submit concerns or suggestions. We resolve these in a transparent manner, and through in-person dialogue whenever possible.

Impact Management
We have processes to identify and manage environmental and social risks and impacts. These processes are embedded at all stages of the mining cycle, including exploration, development, operation and closure.

Community Investment and Development
We manage community investments locally, including funding and employee volunteer hours. Our sites define social investment priorities and objectives in consultation with local communities. We aim to work in partnership with local and regional organizations to support sustainable development outcomes that are aligned with local and regional priority issues.