Tailings stewardship
Tailings management
Our priority is to achieve industry best practices for safe and responsible tailings management, in accordance with internationally accepted guidelines.
We have committed to implement the Global Industry Standard for Tailings Management (“GISTM”) across all Capstone tailings storage facilities by year-end 2028.

Responsible Management
Responsible tailings stewardship is a commitment in our Environment, Health, Safety and Sustainability Policy, as outlined in our Tailings Management Policy. With oversight from the highest level of our organization, we ensure we have the appropriate level of expertise, resources and technology to safely operate our tailings.

Tailings Management System
The management of tailings at each operation is guided by Capstone’s Tailings Management System (TMS) Guide, in alignment with the Mining Association of Canada and the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management. An Engineer of Record (EOR) collaborates closely with site and corporate personnel to ensure best practices are adhered to, including appropriate design and construction, instrumentation and monitoring, and regular inspections, TMS audits and Independent Reviews.

High-level Oversight
The Technical and Operational Performance Committee of Capstone’s Board conducts high-level oversight of our tailings management. Capstone’s Tailings Working Group aims to ensure tailings risks are adequately characterized and mitigated.