About us
Our Board is responsible for the overall stewardship of the Company’s conduct of business and activities of management. Its fundamental objective is to enhance and preserve long-term shareholder value, and to ensure we meet our obligations on an ongoing basis and that we operate in a reliable and safe manner.
Reporting a Concern
Capstone has engaged Integrity Counts, a Canadian provider of global ethics reporting services, as an independent and external administrator of its Whistleblower hotline. Integrity Counts contact details for reporting a concern are provided below based on region so employees can interact with administrators in their respective local language:
- North America – call Toll Free: 1-866-921-6714
- Mexico – call Toll Free: 001-800-099-0642
- Chile – call Toll Free: 12300203914 or 188-800-801-033
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: https://www.integritycounts.ca/org/capstone